(2024) Yiannis Kranidiotis. Data-driven Light & Sound Kinetic Installation
24 custom metronomes, environmental data, LED lights, visualizations, and custom software.
“The Tipping Point” is a data-driven light and sound kinetic installation of 24 custom metronomes and a video projection. The movement of the metronomes is driven by various environmental data connected with the five major climate tipping points. The artwork highlights the urgency and the increased risk that one or several tipping elements in the climate system might cross a critical threshold, resulting in severe consequences for the global climate, ecosystems, and human societies. The title “The Tipping Point” does not refer solely to climate tipping points but also to the social tipping point we are approaching. It emphasizes the need for collective action, demanding governments and corporations to change their policies and business practices. As Robert Swan aptly stated, “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” The datasets utilized in the installation encompass data from the early 20th century to the present day, extending even into the future through projection models. Embarking on a temporal journey from the past to the present and onward to the future, the installation dynamically mirrors this progression. The tempo of the metronomes’ beats synchronizes with the fluctuating values of the data, gradually intensifying over time. Initially tranquil, the soundscape evolves into a cacophony, reflecting the mounting urgency of the climate crisis. Abruptly, all metronomes halt, plunging the space into a deafening silence that signifies the critical tipping point that has been reached. “The Tipping Point” is the outcome of two years of deep inquiry, research and co-creation with the scientist Frank Dentener (European Commission, Joint Research Center) as part of the SciArt program of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The project began with a summer school in 2022 and continued with artistic residencies at the JRC (Milan) in 2023. It premiered at iMAL Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology in Brussels as part of the NaturArchy exhibition featuring 12 collaborative works of artists and scientists.
“The Tipping Point” is commissioned by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre as part of the SciArt Resonances IV program.
Yiannis Kranidiotis
Yiannis Kranidiotis is a new media artist and musician whose work explores the relationship between light and sound by creating spaces and experiences where both coexist and interact. He is also interested in investigating the inseparable relationship between science and art. This requires a cross-disciplinary work with sound, visual arts, coding, electronics and physics. His work has been presented in many festivals and exhibitions like SPECTRA 2017 (Aberdeen, UK), Made in NY Media Center (New York), B-Seite Festival (Germany), Rome Media Festival 2016 (Rome), ISEA 2016 (Hong Kong), ISEA 2015 (Vancouver), MADATAC 08-06 (Madrid), Lumen Prize Online Gallery, Aesthetica Art Prize 2015 Longlist, Onassis Cultural Center (Athens). Many websites and magazines have published articles about his work including “Google Cultural Institute”, “The Creators Project”, “Gizmodo”, “Open Culture”, “Hyperallergic”, “Bigthink” and “Konstvärlden”. He has also composed music for short films and theater. He has a BS in Physics from University of Partas and M.Sc. in Optics from Essex University. He lives and works in Athens.