A round table on the impact of new digital tools and technological advancements on artistic creation. The creative and fertile intersection between research and art introduces new spaces and ways of expression, designing an unprecedented “spaciousness” in experimentation and artistic innovation. At the same time, the experience of art expands both for the audience and the creators themselves, possibly shifting the focus from the artwork itself to the process of its creation.
Moderator: Giannis Pantazopoulos, editor at Lifo and producer of the podcast Listen to Science.
Nefeli Dimitriadi: Visual Artist and Assistant Professor / Virtual-Augmented-Mixed Reality and Cinema, at the School of Cinema, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Anastasios Drosou: Senior Researcher (Associate Professor equivalent) at the National Centre for Research & Technological Development, specializing in “Intelligent and Secure Optical Analytical Systems.”
Stella Ntavara: Manager CPH:LAB and XR exhibition at the CPH:DOX Festival