In a world of information overload and complete chaos, the personality is erased, the real essence of things disappears, leaving behind only a virtual image, which eventually disappears in the flow of similar ones. There is no safe space anymore, and it is our own fault.
Marina Goncharova
Marina Goncharova was born in 2001 in Khabarovsk, Russia, but spent most of her life in small city on Sakhalin Island. In her work she uses her life experiences and traumas as inspiration, as wounds should be a strength, not a weakness. She holds a bachelor’s degree in «Japanese Studies» at FEFU, 2019 – 2023. Master’s degree in ‘Design. Digital Art’ at FEFU. 2023 – 2025. Nikita Matiushinets was born in 2001 in Vladivostok, Russia. Musician, sound designer, working in the field of electronic and heavy guitar music. He researches topics of human-sound interaction, the role of music in human life and the future of sound technologies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Mathematical and information support of industrial activities» at FEFU, 2019 – 2023. Master’s degree in ‘Design. Digital Art’ at FEFU. 2023 – 2025.
Nikita Matiushinets
Nikita Matiushinets was born in 2001 in Vladivostok, Russia. Musician, sound designer, working in the field of electronic and heavy guitar music. He researches topics of human-sound interaction, the role of music in human life and the future of sound technologies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Mathematical and information support of industrial activities» at FEFU, 2019 – 2023. Master’s degree in ‘Design. Digital Art’ at FEFU. 2023 – 2025.