#DRIFT follows, in the near future, the adventure of an astronaut traveling to an exoplanet. With her, aboard her ship, we drift in Space.
#DRIFT is an immersive multimedia work under a dome for an actress, in the middle of the void, an arts-science work that invites a crew of children to contemplation.
#DRIFT draws through dramatic action the future of space exploration, in a science fiction writing. #DRIFT is the result of a collaborative writing process resulting from meetings between children, astrophysicists, a science fiction author and artists from the performing arts and digital arts.
After #Exoterritoires and #Colonie.s , #DRIFT – à la dérive is the 3rd part of a cycle of arts/science shows on Space that invites us to approach new mysteries of space dear to science fiction works: interstellar travel, hyperspace, fluctuations in space-time, the search for extraterrestrial life. Beyond the simple desire to explain the universe, Norbert Merjagnan proposes to interweave in a common writing exercise the imaginations of a group of children aged 8 to 11, with those of scientists from major astrophysics research laboratories. Thus, it is not a question of popularizing science, but of mixing in a common poetics a vocabulary and crossed concepts mixing the vocabulary of hard sciences with the science fiction neologisms that bathe our imaginations. An immersive multimedia device (sound, lights and 3D images correlated and broadcast at 360° under a dome) will support an encounter: that of the objectified representations of scientists, modeling algorithms with the liberated representations of children, without hierarchizing them. Beyond objective truths – we know well that in science, truth is only a hypothesis – we seek to open doors to our imaginations, doors to infinity. As in most of our creations, these journeys serve us to constitute an ecological fable of which we are the protagonists.
Le Clair Obscur
Le Clair Obscur is a permanent artistic laboratory dedicated to new imaginaries. Gathered around Frédéric Deslias, artists, authors, researchers and engineers design representations at the crossroads of arts, sciences and technologies. / We created Clair Obscur, a collective with variable geometry, twenty years ago in Caen, always working as horizontally as possible to find a collective and multidisciplinary thought prey to the problems of our time. LCO has the particularity of putting geeks in front of screens, rather than sweaty dancers or spitting actors, to practice the performing arts. Recently renamed Le Laboratoire Dystopienne , we would like to finally succeed in creating counter-dystopias there, in order to eventually envisage desirable futures as they say. Our work is willingly prospective, or perspectivist, opening up a more narrative path to digital arts, conducive to the imaginations of our time, resolutely turned towards the future, which offers an easier gateway to understand for everyone. LCO collaborates with contemporary authors who renew the genre of science fiction, we say imaginaries, or critical thinking of technologies: Alain Damasio, Norbert Merjagnan, Eric Sadin; favoring arts/science collaborations with different research departments (ENS, CEA, CNES, INSA) during in situ residencies, or companies and studios (Red Corner, Casus Belli, Digital Airways, Digital Alchemy, Studio Bruyant…) all this is intrinsically linked to our enterprise of deconstructing technologies. We therefore participate in a militant way in the development of a new stage entity that dusts off the genre of theater and performing arts, and which gives meaning above all to the mutations of our society. Our shows have sometimes won awards (Les Bains Numériques, Transculture(s)), or been stamped by different labels or festivals (TRAS, NéMO, …). Our works are supported and broadcast in France and abroad, in theaters, festivals or other third places, mainly in the Live Arts, Arts/Sciences and Digital Arts networks. Our current and recent co-producers include the Research scene of the ENS Paris-Saclay, the Comédie de Caen, the Comédie de Reims, the Hexagone in Meylan and the Atelier Arts/Sciences, the Biennale Némo (Le 104), the Center for the Arts of Enghien les Bains… On the institutional side, the CNC/DICREAM, the DRAC of Normandy and the DRAC Ile de France, the General Council of Calvados, the City of Caen, the ONDA, the ODIA Normandy and the Institut Français. The company is based in Caen, under contract with the Normandy Region.